Forensic Analysis of Cell Site Data








Cell site analysis is the analysis of data recorded by mobile telephone providers with a view to establishing the geographical location of a phone when calls, SMS messages or downloads are sent or received. Nowadays the average person cannot get through the working day without using their mobile telephone. It would be fair to say most of us would have difficulty functioning if our handsets were more than an arm's distance away. With the average person carrying at least one, if not more, mobile phones, being able to determine the movement of this mobile device can be invaluable evidence.

What can you expect to acheive from cellsite analysis?

  • Identify locations where mobile phones have been used.
  • Track changes in location and identify a time line of use or non-use.
  • Highlight contact between different mobile devices – content, time and location based.
  • Test/verify alibis.
  • Identify patterns of movement.
  • Rebut common assumptions inferred by Police Expert witnesses.

KJB Computer Forensics Consultancy are experienced in the analysis of Cellsite data; we use the latest software and hardware to carry out comprehensive Radio Promalgation Survey's or to review Police expert witness reports. Following a detailed analysis we will produce a comprehensive report to a standard acceptable for Scottish or English Courts.

We take instruction from Defence Agents, Law Enforcement Agencies and Corporations.

Have you any questions regarding Cellsite analysis? Contact us we can help.

Please feel free to contact us if you require further information, we look forward to working with you in the not too distant future.